
Modalities of Faculty Engagement with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

  • Celeste Suart
  • Martha Cassidy-Neumiller
  • Kelsey Harvey


This article reports on a mixed-methods study examining the ways in which faculty and staff engage with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) at a medium-sized research-intensive university in southern Ontario, Canada. Survey data was collected from fifty-six faculty and staff respondents, along with eight faculty completing follow-up semi-structured interviews. We found respondents used multiple engagement modalities to stay informed on SoTL literature, carry out SoTL research, and disseminate their findings. Barriers to SoTL participation include lack of dedicated time, limited formal SoTL training, and inexperience with different disciplinary norms found in SoTL articles. Participants emphasized the importance of collaborative SoTL inquiry, highlighting in particular the benefits of partnering with students on scholarly projects. Additionally, participants underscored the importance of implementing evidence-based teaching strategies. Our findings mirror trends in the literature regarding SoTL engagement activities, barriers to participation, and faculty perceptions of SoTL. This study contributes novel insight into the ways faculty choose to engage with SoTL and common obstacles, as well as suggestions for how teaching and learning centers can use engagement data to better support faculty and staff SoTL scholars.

Keywords: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), scholarly teaching, research engagement, dissemination, discipline-based education research

How to Cite:

Suart, C., Cassidy-Neumiller, M. & Harvey, K., (2023) “Modalities of Faculty Engagement with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning”, Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education 6(1), 1-24. doi:

Rights: Celeste Suart, Martha Cassidy-Neumiller, Kelsey Harvey

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Published on
20 Jun 2023
Peer Reviewed