The Importance of College Reading
- Pam Hollander
- Duke Dawson
- Charlotte Haller
- Erika Briesacher
- Caroline Collins
- Kristina Rearick
- Elise Lemieux
Professors and students have contradictory views of course reading. Professors believe that reading outside of the classroom is essential in optimizing learning. However, students often find the readings to be time-consuming, not necessary to pass the class, and an option rather than a requirement. We surveyed 449 undergraduate university students and interviewed 17 university faculty to determine the perceived value of reading assignments in college classes. This preliminary study yielded that faculty could benefit from professional development workshops that will help them determine how to incorporate strategies to increase the students’ completion of assigned readings. By investigating students’ thoughts and concerns, professors can better understand how to make assigned readings more attractive to students.
Keywords: college reading, student perceptions, interdisciplinary
How to Cite:
Hollander, P., Dawson, D., Haller, C., Briesacher, E., Collins, C., Rearick, K. & Lemieux, E., (2022) “The Importance of College Reading”, Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education 5(1), 90-109. doi:
Rights: Pam Hollander, Duke Dawson, Charlotte Haller, Erika Briesacher, Caroline Collins, Kristina Rearick, Elise Lemieux
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