On Black Mattering and (Un)framing the Preparation of Higher Education/Student Affairs Administrators
- Ginny Jones Boss
- Tiffany J. Davis
- Christa J. Porter
The purpose of this critical content analysis study was to examine higher education/student affairs (HE/SA) preparation toward a racial framing that centers and honors Black mattering. We explored linkages between Black literacies and epistemic credibility as indicators of Black mattering by analyzing 24 syllabi of foundational courses in HE/SA graduate preparation programs using Muhammad’s (2020) Historically Responsive Literacy (HRL) framework. The HRL framework is a four-layered equity framework with the following learning goals: (a) identity development; (b) skill development; (c) intellectual development; and (d) criticality. Across the four layers, we found little evidence of Black mattering in our data. To meaningfully situate Black mattering within curriculum development, we suggest instructors use their syllabus to begin unframing white supremacy and framing the curriculum with Black mattering.
Keywords: Black mattering;, literacy;, content analysis;, student affairs;, teaching and learning
How to Cite:
Boss, G., Davis, T. & Porter, C., (2021) “On Black Mattering and (Un)framing the Preparation of Higher Education/Student Affairs Administrators”, Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education 4(2), 27-42. doi: https://doi.org/10.36021/jethe.v4i2.222
Rights: Ginny Jones Boss, Tiffany J. Davis, Christa J. Porter
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