Supporting and Challenging Student Cognitions in the Classroom
- Amy K Fisher
- Chris Simmons
- Susan Allen
This article reports results of a mixed methods exploration of the effects of reflective supervision on cognitive growth in undergraduate students. Students were enrolled in two sections of an introductory skills practice course containing an experiential exercise designed to enhance skill development. One group received supervision; the other did not. Pretest and posttest analyses of measures used to assess cognitive development showed no statistically significant gains for either group. However, the group receiving supervision made more gains, and analysis of qualitative data revealed evidence of cognitive growth for this group. The research supports further investigation of educational interventions that may promote cognitive development in undergraduate students in helping professions and allied health fields.
Keywords: cognitive development, experiential learning, Perry Scheme, supervision, mixed methods
How to Cite:
Fisher, A., Simmons, C. & Allen, S., (2019) “Supporting and Challenging Student Cognitions in the Classroom”, Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education 2(1), 120-135. doi:
Rights: Amy K Fisher, Chris Simmons, Ph. D., Susan Allen, Ph. D.
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