paulo and nita: sharing life, love and intellect

Affection, environmental education and politics: Encounters with Nita and Paulo Freire

Author: Marcos Reigota

  • Affection, environmental education and politics: Encounters with Nita and Paulo Freire

    paulo and nita: sharing life, love and intellect

    Affection, environmental education and politics: Encounters with Nita and Paulo Freire





This article seeks to focus on the influence Paulo Freire had on a young teacher and activist ecologist in São Paulo during the last years of the military dictatorship in Brazil.  That influence still remains nowadays and is affected by the friendship with Nita Freire.  Personal annotations written during lectures given by Paulo Freire at PUCSP in 1983 are here revealed.  Moments in which Nita and Paulo Freire dialogued with and influenced ecologists, environmental educators and a new generation of activists, students, teachers and researchers are also pointed out.  The author emphasizes the mutual admiration between Paulo Freire and the French educator George Snyders through the events, books and articles for which he was a mediator.




Esse artigo procura enfocar a influência de Paulo Freire num jovem professor e militante ecologista em São Paulo nos últimos anos da ditadura militar no Brasil (1964-1984).  Essa influência continua até os dias atuais e é afetada pelas relações de amizade com Nita Freire.  São apresentados alguns apontamentos pessoais escritos durante o curso de Paulo Freire na PUCSP em 1983.  São destacados momentos nos quais Nita e Paulo Freire dialogaram com ecologistas, educadores/as ambientais e com novas gerações de militantes, estudantes, professores/as e pesquisadores/as.  O autor enfatiza a mútua admiração entre Paulo Freire e o pedagogo francês George Snyders, através de acontecimentos, livros e artigos no qual o autor foi mediador.

How to Cite:

Reigota, M., (2013) “Affection, environmental education and politics: Encounters with Nita and Paulo Freire”, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 5(1).

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Published on
23 Dec 2013
Peer Reviewed