paulo and nita: sharing life, love and intellect

Reflections on love and revolution

Author: Peter McLaren

  • Reflections on love and revolution

    paulo and nita: sharing life, love and intellect

    Reflections on love and revolution





This essay constitutes a personal reflection by Peter McLaren about the significance of Paulo Freire's work today, especially during the global crisis of capitalism.  The author situates the love that animated the relationship between Paulo and Nita within the context of a wider love for humanity and their joint quest to create an educative context in which the oppressed can liberate themselves from forms of oppression.  The author recounts his early exchange with Paulo and reflects upon the socialist project that he believes served as a foundation for Paulo's pedagogy of liberation.




Este ensaio constitui uma reflexão de Peter McLaren sobre a importância da obra de Paulo Freire, hoje, especialmente durante a crise global do capitalismo.  O autor contextualiza o amor existente na relação entre Paulo e Nita dentro de uma forma mais ampla a abranger o amor pela humanidade onde ambos buscam criar um contexto educativo em que o oprimido possa liberta-se das várias formas de oppressão.  O autor relata seus primeiros encontros com Paulo e reflete sobre o projeto socialista que ele acredita que serviu de base para a pedagogia da libertação de Paulo.

How to Cite:

McLaren, P., (2013) “Reflections on love and revolution”, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 5(1).

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Published on
23 Dec 2013
Peer Reviewed