Radical Love

What’s radical love got to do with it: Navigating identity, pedagogy, and positionality in pre-

Authors: Ty-Ron Douglas (University of Missouri-Columbia) , Christine Nganga

  • What’s radical love got to do with it: Navigating identity, pedagogy, and positionality in pre-

    Radical Love

    What’s radical love got to do with it: Navigating identity, pedagogy, and positionality in pre-

    Authors: ,


An important aspect of preparing teachers who are critically conscious is integrating and interrogating the positionalities of those who work with pre-service teachers. In turn, the process of interrogating positionalities as teacher educators also allows us to incorporate pedagogies that offer pre-service teachers an opportunity to interrogate who they are as future teachers of diverse student populations. In this paper, we therefore use Paulo Freire’s concept of radical love to explore the similarities and disjunctures in our pedagogy and positionalities as international scholars of color.  Specifically, we draw from our experiences as doctoral students teaching undergraduate and graduate pre-service teachers. The purpose of this paper is twofold—to discuss how our positionalities impact the practice of our teaching and to explore ways in which we enact radical love in our classrooms.

How to Cite:

Douglas, T. & Nganga, C., (2015) “What’s radical love got to do with it: Navigating identity, pedagogy, and positionality in pre-”, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 6(1).

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Published on
14 Apr 2015
Peer Reviewed