This paper reports on the findings of a study that explored the influence of a four-year physical education teacher education (PETE) programme on the beliefs about physical education of the graduating students.
These students suggested that a single teacher educator (TE) with a Freirean pedagogy had strongly influenced their beliefs and understanding of physical education.The TE used problem posing and dialogue in his lectures to raise the critical consciousness of the PETE students. The TE challenged the students’ beliefs about the relationship between sport and physical education.
This paper focuses on the pedagogy of the teacher educator and the students’ reading of the pedagogy. This study uses data from interviews with PETE students and the writing of the TE to describe the practice, and student ‘reading’ of, a Freirean pedagogy in a PETE programme.
Keywords: Freirean pedagogy, PETE
How to Cite:
Philpot, R. A., (2016) “Shaking Student's Cages: A Freirean pedagogy that influenced PETE students' beliefs about physical education”, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 7(1).
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