Teaching Teachers: Teaching Social Justice in Teacher Ed Programs

Trembling on the Precipice of Possibility: A Story About Becoming a Teacher Educator for Social Justice

Author: Julie Machlin Burke (Guilford College)

  • Trembling on the Precipice of Possibility: A Story About Becoming a Teacher Educator for Social Justice

    Teaching Teachers: Teaching Social Justice in Teacher Ed Programs

    Trembling on the Precipice of Possibility: A Story About Becoming a Teacher Educator for Social Justice




This article describes the strategy of creating an illustrated story book as an attempt to invite teacher education candidates to engage in deeper reflection and critical analysis common sense which shapes their teaching. In the process of describing how to teach preservice teachers to teach for social justice the author uses examples from her own development as a teacher educator for social justice. The author suggests four elements that may be critical to teaching teacher candidates to persevere in rigorous critique of their own common sense. They are imagery and intensifying metaphor; foolishness; a dialectic of criticality and joy; and communal sharing.

            Keywords: teacher education, critical analysis, preservice teachers, social justice

Keywords: teacher education, critical anaylsis, preservice teachers, social justice, achievement gap

How to Cite:

Burke, J. M., (2016) “Trembling on the Precipice of Possibility: A Story About Becoming a Teacher Educator for Social Justice”, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 7(2).

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Published on
20 Sep 2016
Peer Reviewed