Teaching Teachers: Teaching Social Justice in Teacher Ed Programs

Enacting Critical Pedagogy in an Elementary Methods Course: A Move Toward Re-Imagining Teacher Education

Author: Jeannette Driscoll Alarcon (The University of North Carolina, Greensboro)

  • Enacting Critical Pedagogy in an Elementary Methods Course: A Move Toward  Re-Imagining Teacher Education

    Teaching Teachers: Teaching Social Justice in Teacher Ed Programs

    Enacting Critical Pedagogy in an Elementary Methods Course: A Move Toward Re-Imagining Teacher Education



This paper explores enactments of critical pedagogy within an elementary social studies methods course. Critical scholars urge teacher educators to commit to practices that promote equity and social justice for an ever-diversifying student population (see Cochran-Smith, 2004; Nieto, 2000). In a move to disrupt entrenched deficit attitudes, I propose we look beyond what we ask teacher candidates to do and instead engage in critical reflection and dialogues together with our students that push toward nuanced understanding of their future students who are different from themselves. This project details the ways that changing the course procedures, structured activities, and policies provided the opportunity for the students to experience the vibe and feel of an elementary pedagogy that strives for community building focused on learning and societal improvement. I enlist action research to explore a shift in my practices to more explicitly align with the critical pedagogical practices I encourage teacher candidates to enact in their future classrooms. 

Keywords: teacher education, community building, socially just teaching

How to Cite:

Alarcon, J. D., (2016) “Enacting Critical Pedagogy in an Elementary Methods Course: A Move Toward Re-Imagining Teacher Education”, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 7(2).

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Published on
20 Sep 2016
Peer Reviewed