Paradoxes and Possibilities of Movement Building from the In-Between

Cultivating Racial Solidarity Among Mathematics Education Scholars of Color to Resist White Supremacy

Authors: Monica L. Miles orcid logo (Vanderbilt University) , Patricia Maria Buenrostro orcid logo (Lake Forest College) , Samantha A. Marshall (Vanderbilt University) , Melanie Adams (n/a) , Ebony Omotola McGee (Vanderbilt University)

  • Cultivating Racial Solidarity Among Mathematics Education Scholars of Color to Resist White Supremacy

    Paradoxes and Possibilities of Movement Building from the In-Between

    Cultivating Racial Solidarity Among Mathematics Education Scholars of Color to Resist White Supremacy

    Authors: , , , ,


In this paper, we propose a racial solidarity praxis in mathematics education grounded in Black-, Latinx-, and Indigenous-led scholarship and their respective communities’ joining efforts to combat White supremacy. Increased solidarity across racial groups in mathematics education could illuminate new ways of nourishing and affirming Indigenous, Latinx, and Black students’ racial identities and cultural strengths. We leverage four frameworks: (1) Whiteness as property (a tenet of Critical race theory) and (2) Tribal Critical Race Theory; (3) Latino Critical Theory; and (4) pedagogy of solidarity, to conceptualize the interdependence required for solidarity work and to expose how White supremacy is maintained overtly and covertly in mathematics curriculum, policies and practices. This study outlines the nuances across each community of scholars, drawing on their strengths to combat oppressive educational structures for students. The authors conclude in solidarity, focusing on the ways our communities have sought to challenge White supremacy and deficit framings of our students, families, and communities. Our hope in bringing these bodies of literature together is to invite others within (and outside of) the field of mathematics education to co-imagine how we might engage our work synergistically. It is through a collectivizing of efforts that we imagine a racial solidarity praxis that begins to erode the power of White supremacy in math education because of the unique and unassimilable strengths and priorities of each community engaged.

Keywords: mathematics education, students of color, race/ethnicity, critical race theory, White supremacy

How to Cite:

Miles, M. L., Buenrostro, P. M., Marshall, S. A., Adams, M. & McGee, E. O., (2019) “Cultivating Racial Solidarity Among Mathematics Education Scholars of Color to Resist White Supremacy”, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 10(2).

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Published on
30 Sep 2019
Peer Reviewed