
From Object to Subject: A Call for the Radicalization of Participatory Community Development in the Netherlands

Authors: Marie-Sol Reindl (Disability Studies in Nederland) , Alice Schippers (1) VU University Medical Centre 2) Disability Studies in Nederland) , Geert Van Hove (1) Ghent University, Belgium 2) VU University Medical Centre)

  • From Object to Subject: A Call for the Radicalization of Participatory Community Development in the Netherlands


    From Object to Subject: A Call for the Radicalization of Participatory Community Development in the Netherlands

    Authors: , ,


The paper provides a critical analysis of the Inclusive Community Project Geldermalsen, in central Netherlands through the lens of Freirean theory and the concepts of dialogue, praxis, and conscientization, thereby establishing an interesting dialogue between critical disability studies and critical pedagogy. On a practical level, the applied participatory methodology of the project and the shaping of new identities on an individual and community level are discussed. On a theoretical level, the research tries to show how critical disability studies can help to refine critical pedagogy through the integration of ability diversity, and in return how Freire’s rootedness in materialism allows for the reconsideration of the definition of disability and the agency of people with disabilities.

Keywords: community development, inclusion, critical pedagogy, dis/ability

How to Cite:

Reindl, M., Schippers, A. & Van Hove, G., (2022) “From Object to Subject: A Call for the Radicalization of Participatory Community Development in the Netherlands”, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 12(1).

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Published on
18 May 2022
Peer Reviewed