
The Genealogy Project: The Founding of a Podcast

Authors: Marla Morris (Georgia Southern University) , Shirley R. Steinberg (University of Calgary) , Leila E. Villaverde (University of North Carolina Greensboro)

  • The Genealogy Project: The Founding of a Podcast


    The Genealogy Project: The Founding of a Podcast

    Authors: , ,


When thinking about a new journal, my first thought about this was to
have a multimedia aspect to the journal that would include a series of
ongoing podcasts that Daniel Chapman and I would do collaboratively.
This turned into The Genealogy Project. Since we began this project about a year and half ago, Daniel and I have interviewed many scholars across generations. As conversations unfolded, I found that many of us have had inter-connected life histories and backgrounds. As I began thinking about a podcast in curriculum studies I thought that it might be a way to archive the work being done by my generation. I wanted to make sure that our work did not disappear from the archives. But, too, I wanted to show that my generation is also linked backwards to previous generations. As Derrida teaches, the archive is more about the to-come. The Genealogy Project Podcast is about archiving the future of a field. What we are able to do in the field today is due to the work that was done by scholars who came before us and mentored us. As my generation mentors future generations to-come, the field will go its own way and take on new life. I would liketo showcase scholars from all generations to join in the conversationswe are having about the field.

How to Cite:

Morris, M., Steinberg, S. R. & Villaverde, L. E., (2023) “The Genealogy Project: The Founding of a Podcast”, International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 12(2).

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Published on
16 Feb 2023
Peer Reviewed