Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

paulo and nita: sharing life, love and intellect

Paulo and Nita: Sharing life, love and intellect – An introduction

Ana Cruz

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

Paulo e Nita Freire: Compartilhamento de Vida, de Amor e de Intelectualidade – Introdução

Ana Cruz

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

Life experiences with Paulo and Nita

Ramón Flecha

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

O que eu aprendi de minha interação com a pessoa e a obra de Paulo Freire e qual a importância de Nita Freire na sua vida e obra

Alípio Casali

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

Ana Maria e Paulo Freire: A originalidade de uma relação que inspira compromissos e luta pela recriação de uma proposta de educação

Olgair Gomes Garcia

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

Affection, environmental education and politics: Encounters with Nita and Paulo Freire

Marcos Reigota

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

Memórias de Freire na vida universitária de uma educadora

Ivanilde Apoluceno de Oliveira

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

O que aprendi com Paulo Freire: Lições de vida, teoria e política

Ana Maria Saul

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

Reflections on love and revolution

Peter McLaren

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

O que aprendi com Paulo e Nita Freire

Venício A. de Lima

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

À luz da grandeza: Um testemunho privilegiado

Walter Ferreira de Oliveira

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

Situating Pedagogy of the Oppressed after Nita Freire

Donaldo Macedo

2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

Table of Contents for Paulo and Nita: Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

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2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect

About the Contributors

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2013-12-23 Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2013 • Paulo and Nita:Sharing Life, Love, and Intellect