Applying Appreciative Teaching Practices to Music Therapy Education
- Raquel Ravaglioli (Biola University)
Music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of therapeutic music experiences to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional. To be eligible to teach in an undergraduate music therapy program, one must acquire a master’s level degree; however, this degree requires no education in pedagogy. A vast amount of literature is published about effective teaching methods including student-centered learning and Appreciative approaches. Music therapy pedagogues have identified general teaching methods and approaches, and faculty may be applying effective teaching approaches. However, there is minimal evidence for specific techniques on how these approaches and techniques are being implemented. Based on the findings from my dissertation study, the purpose of this article is to share innovative practices discovered from that work. Effective teaching practices in music therapy are overall student-centered and faculty are encouraged to teach utilizing the Appreciative Education framework. Examples of applying the 6-D Appreciative Education framework in music therapy education are provided in addition to a discussion of implications for practice.
Keywords: appreciative education, music therapy, pedagogy, higher education, faculty learning
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