Innovative Practice

International Students and the Appreciate Advising Way

  • Michael John Elliott (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)


Appreciative Education provides positive, strengths-based approaches to teaching and learning.  One such approach is appreciative advising (AA) which is practiced by academic advising professionals in higher education to help improve student success. However, AA also has applications to the international student advising field.  This article offers an international student advising scenario as an example of how international students can be empowered by the AA model.  The article explains the six major phases of AA - Disarm, Discover, Dream, Design, Destiny and Don't Settle -as they apply to an international student advising setting.  Additionally, the article suggests that international student advisers who practice AA can likewise be positively impacted by the power of its student- and inquiry-based focus.  Finally, this article discusses important implications of AA in international student advising for higher education institutions and the international student advising profession.

Keywords: appreciative advising, international student advising, international education

How to Cite:

Elliott, M. J., (2012) “International Students and the Appreciate Advising Way”, Journal of Appreciative Education 1(1).

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Published on
10 Dec 2012
Peer Reviewed