Innovative Practice

Appreciative Advising for Masters Students

  • Brianne Stanback (School of Aging Studies, University of South Florida)
  • Cathy McEvoy (School of Aging Studies, University of South Florida)


Despite the growth in the number of masters students entering graduate school in the U.S., relatively little attention is given to academic advising for this group of students.  This piece describes the development and  implementation of Appreciative Advising for students in the Master of Arts gerontology program in the School of Aging Studies at the University of South Florida.  Provided in the article are each of the Appreciative Advising phases and the advising activities for each phase.  Although the article focuses on Appreciative Advising in a single discipline, it presents one approach with potential expansion and application in many fields of study. 

Keywords: Masters Advising, Appreciative Advising

How to Cite:

Stanback, B. & McEvoy, C., (2012) “Appreciative Advising for Masters Students”, Journal of Appreciative Education 1(1).

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Published on
19 Dec 2012
Peer Reviewed