Innovative Practice

Appreciative Advising in a Community College

  • Ashley Nicole Bigard


The Appreciative Advising framework is producing transformational changes within Student Services. Advisors are connecting with students on deeper levels through several new tools, including our new advising checklists. Each checklist offers key tips allowing advisors to explore new methods of assisting students in achieving their dreams, goals, and potentials. Advisors reflect on their own experiences and goals, promoting understanding of their strengths and potential. The recently rearranged Student Services area welcomes students with signs, registration kiosks, and a variety of interactive activities. The use of a texting platform was also implemented, to enhance the students experience. Since implementation, 84 percent of students reported positive satisfaction with advising. To comprehensively meet student needs and implement each phase, advisors recognized the need to offer fewer but longer appointments, and to address basic physiological needs, such as hunger.

How to Cite:

Bigard, A. N., (2020) “Appreciative Advising in a Community College”, Journal of Appreciative Education 6(1).

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Published on
18 Nov 2020
Peer Reviewed