Innovative Practice

Appreciative Onboarding and Professional Development of Academic Advisors

  • Michael Dial (University of South Carolina)
  • Jane Bouknight (University of South Carolina)
  • Paige McKeown (University of South Carolina)


Advisor onboarding and professional development are critical to the success of advising. This article explains the Undergraduate Academic Advisor (UAA) professional development model used in the University Advising Center (UAC) at the University of South Carolina. The Appreciative Education framework (Bloom et al., 2008) informs the practices regarding advisor onboarding and professional development. Beginning at the interview stage and continuing through promotion via the UAC’s Advising Career Ladder, advisors are encouraged to develop and contribute to the positive momentum of advising. The advisor onboarding and professional development benefits students in noticeable ways, as UAAs outperform other faculty and staff advisors on virtually every metric.  

Keywords: training, onboarding, Appreciative

How to Cite:

Dial, M., Bouknight, J. & McKeown, P., (2021) “Appreciative Onboarding and Professional Development of Academic Advisors”, Journal of Appreciative Education 8(1).

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Published on
15 Dec 2021
Peer Reviewed