Innovative Practice

Employing the Appreciative Education Framework to Innovatively Deliver the Virtual Appreciative Advising Institute

  • Alisha Nelson
  • Savannah Wilkerson
  • Bryan Hursh
  • Lilian Barria
  • Kelly Cosgrove
  • Janelle Freire
  • Rebecca Natalus
  • Angel Nevin
  • Amanda E. Propst Cuevas
  • Jennifer L. Bloom


The onset of the COVID-19 global pandemic drastically altered the way organizations conducted operations; the Office of Appreciative Advising (OAE) at Florida Atlantic University was no exception. This essay highlights the methods employed and solutions co-created by the OAE leadership and intern team to surmount the obstacles COVID-19 presented as we planned and executed the 2020 Appreciative Advising Institutes (AAIs). Capitalizing on key tenets of both the Appreciative Advising framework and the Appreciative Mindset, we provide a step-by-step recap of crucial decisions made during the shift from the planned in-person Institutes to fully virtual Institutes for the first time. The purpose of this paper is to provide an example of how the Appreciative Advising framework can help guide teams as they innovatively navigate unexpected challenges.


Keywords: Appreciative Advising, Appreciative Mindset, strengths-based approach, Appreciative Administration

How to Cite:

Nelson, A., Wilkerson, S., Hursh, B., Barria, L., Cosgrove, K., Freire, J., Natalus, R., Nevin, A., Propst Cuevas, A. E. & Bloom, J. L., (2021) “Employing the Appreciative Education Framework to Innovatively Deliver the Virtual Appreciative Advising Institute”, Journal of Appreciative Education 8(1).

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Published on
15 Dec 2021
Peer Reviewed